At Dover Jewelry, we offer a large selection of high-quality and unique antique jewelry for sale, online and in our Private Gallery located in our downtown antique jewelry store in Miami, Florida.
We buy and sell antique jewelry as well as unique vintage and estate jewelry pieces. Whether you are a nostalgia enthusiast or a serious antique jewelry collector, you will surely find the desired piece of antique jewelry for sale in our impressive online collection including antique diamond jewelry.
Our extensive inventory is constantly changing as we continually sell and buy estate and antique jewelry pieces. Take a look at our old, rare, and incredibly beautiful antique jewelry rings for sale, plus antique earrings, necklaces, bracelets, pins, and brooches, which are available at all price categories.
Dating Antique Jewelry
Georgian Period – Our Georgian antique jewelry for sale includes some of the oldest and rarest antique rings, Georgian necklaces, bracelets and brooches, which date as far back as 300 years – from 1714 to 1837. Georgian antique jewelry was regal, elegant, symmetrical and balanced. Colored gemstones and diamonds were remounted to keep abreast of fashions and often foil-backed to create life and to enhance color.
Victorian Period – Our Victorian antique jewelry for sale, including Victorian rings, bracelets and necklaces, were made during the reign of Queen Victoria between the years 1837 and 1901. The Victorian period was divided into three distinct phases, namely Romantic (or early Victorian), mid-Victorian, and late-Victorian. These eras celebrated romanticism (with exuberant, vivacious gemstones), nature (with elaborate naturalistic designs), and a keen interest in ‘all things Scottish’, as well as in motifs inspired by earlier cultures, notably the Etruscans.
Art Nouveau Period – Our Art Nouveau antique jewelry for sale exhibit a flair for the dramatic displaying a love of the arts, the essence of which was captured between the years of 1890 to 1915. Influencing Western Architecture, metalwork and interior design, the Art Nouveau period was fanciful, sensual, and sensitive in its use of feminine flowing lines and exquisite depiction of the female form.
Edwardian Period – Handcrafted during the reign of King Edward VII, between 1901 to 1910, our Edwardian antique jewelry for sale includes Edwardian necklaces, brooches, bracelets and rings that were known for their delicate, airy designs. Characteristic of the Affluent Edwardian era was the garland jewelry, which reflected wealth, luxury and the status of social classes, and diamonds were the preferred precious stone par excellence, producing pieces of monochromatic aesthetic.
Art Deco Period – Our Art Deco antique jewelry for sale refers to authentic jewelry pieces crafted during the Art Deco period, between 1910 and 1935. Color-contrasted geometric designs were the hallmark of the early Art Deco period while later Art Deco jewelry designs more often exhibited features of the times and therefore referred to as vintage jewelry.
Buying Antique Jewelry
If you are new to the domain of antique jewelry collection, a good start is to look for similar antique jewelry pieces for sale and buy primarily from the same jewelry period, such as Victorian jewelry. These antique jewelry items will have many features in common.
Some antique jewelry collectors select items from a specific country or master jeweler, while others become fascinated with a specific type of antique jewelry. Not only is building a specialized antique jewelry collection enjoyable, it tends to be significantly more valuable than a group of isolated pieces of antique jewelry for sale.
To embark upon accumulating your antique jewelry collection take a look at what we have to offer at Dover Jewelry;
5 Questions to Ask About Antique Jewelry
When shopping for online antique jewelry for sale, you can easily be swept off your feet by a fabulous piece. Be sure to contemplate on these five important questions before you buy, especially if you plan on wearing items from your antique jewelry collection.
Is the antique jewelry item wearable?
Like a beautiful painting, antique jewelry was made to be worn and displayed. Why look for unique antique jewelry for sale if you will only lock it away and never wear it?
Is this piece of antique jewelry appropriate for me?
Like a new dress, the size, style and color of a piece must “fit”. For instance, it is best for a person with a short neck to avoid wearing long earrings or a heavy choker.
Will the antique jewelry for sale enrich my collection?
A worthwhile collection consists of pieces that preserve your appreciation for a long time and live well together.
Is the antique jewelry for sale a good buy?
For the best deal, be willing to compare similar jewelry items to test the market.
Will the antique jewelry for sale increase in value?
Some would say this question is the first one to ask. For others, it is more important that they love their antique jewelry collection and enjoy it to the fullest for a long time!
Ask Us About Antique Jewelry for Sale
At Dover Jewelry our experts know and appreciate fine antique jewelry. Browse our selection of rare and unique antique jewelry for sale, and if you have a question, feel free to ask!
For more information about any of our unique antique jewelry pieces, including antique necklaces, antique bracelets, antique earrings, and antique rings, plus antique pins and brooches, please:
Call us toll-free at 1- 877-777-6111.
Contact our jewelry experts today or visit us in our New Brickell Showroom located at 1000 Brickell Ave Suite 100 Miami Florida. We welcome your inquiries either via email, telephone or by private appointment in our Brickell Miami Offices.
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