How to Clean Your Velvet Jewelry Box
The proper cleaning of your jewelry box.
A beautiful collection of jewelry deserves to be stored in a clean jewelry box. You need a dedicated storage box to protect you precious pieces from moisture and air. If you are like many jewelry collectors, though, you’ll wait until your box is stained, dusty and full of lint before attempting to clean it.
Velvet is the best lining for a jewelry box because it has a plush, soft nap which does not scratch or otherwise damages your jewelry – but it does tend to attract dust.
Here is a step-by-step guide to cleaning it properly:
Step 1.
Remove your jewelry and organize it into categories. Put your rings, earrings and bracelets into separate piles, and organize your necklaces by length. You may want to lay them out on your dresser to see what you have. This is a great time to do an inventory. Are your best pieces insured? Do you know exactly what you have? Does anything need to be repaired?
Step 2.
Go over the velvet lining with a lint roller, masking tape, or wrap sticky tape, sticky side out, around your fingers to remove the debris. This will remove any dust and small particles from the box.
Step 3.
You are ready to remove any stains from the velvet lining. The best way to do this is to add a few drops of gentle dish soap to a bowl of warm water. Work the solution into a gentle sudsy solution.
Step 4.
Use an old tooth or fingernail brush to rub the soapy water onto the stains. Brush gently until the stains disappear. You may have to repeat this several times if the stains are deep-seated.
Step 5.
Take a clean, dry cloth and dab the wet velvet lining to absorb the soapy water. Leave the jewelry box out to dry thoroughly before replacing your jewelry. Spray gently with an air freshener, if you like the fragrance. Make sure it is completely dry before replacing anything.
Step 6.
Replace your jewelry in categories, or by matching pieces if possible. If not, put the pieces you wear most often in the most accessible place.
Did you discover some unwanted pieces you’d forgotten about? Jewelry you no longer wear?
Dover can help. We specialize in consignment sales or outright purchases of unwanted jewelry.
Please stop by our new offices if you would like to learn more about our consignment services, or call us for an appointment at:
1000 Brickell Ave Suite 100 Miami, FL 33131
1.877.777.6111 | contact@doverjewelry.com