Coco Chanel once said that the best color in the whole wide world is the one the looks best on you, and diamond engagement rings with bright, colorful stones add a splash of individuality to your daily wardrobe. Fancy diamond engagement rings may feature a stunning, highly-saturated center solitaire or colorful accent diamonds and a white center stone, all set in a modern or antique jewelry setting.
In diamonds, rarity equals value. With fancy color diamonds—the ones outside the normal color range—the rarest and most valuable colors are saturated pinks, blues, and greens. In all cases, even very slight color differences can have a big impact on value and availability in antique or estate jewelry pieces and collections.
Strength of color in diamond engagement rings
The strength of color is one of the most important factors in determining the value of a natural color diamond. The highest the intensity of the most prominent color within the diamond, the bigger the value of the diamond. In an attempt to bring some uniformity to the industry, gem laboratories have developed the fancy color diamond scale to classify the strength and intensity of a diamond’s color:
- Vivid
- Intense
- Fancy
- Light
Blue Diamonds
Blue diamonds are prevalent in fancy diamond jewelry because of their extremely rare and mysterious nature. Ranging from light sky blue to indigo and steel, blue diamonds evoke the eternal beauty of the sky, the immensity of the sea and the most profound depths of the Earth, becoming a great piece to accessorize your most sophisticated outfits. Choose a blue diamond engagement ring for the girl who loves to try new things and approaches life with a positive attitude.
Green Diamonds
Green diamonds include an infinite palette of nuances. You will see bright colors such as mint and lime, but also more subtle hues such as khaki and olive. Pure Green diamonds are extremely rare, and only a handful of them are introduced to the market each year, making them some of the most sought-after of all natural color diamonds.
Yellow Diamonds
Yellow diamonds capture the sun rays like no other gemstone. The dramatic and brilliant glow they provide makes them the right piece for a summer wedding, while providing both an antique and contemporary vibe. Colored diamond engagement rings with yellow diamonds are ideal for the woman who appreciates vintage linens, retro dresses and antique furniture.
Pink Diamonds
Pink diamonds range from delicate pastel to deep raspberry and are incredibly feminine and romantic, lending unmistakable beauty to diamond engagement rings. Pink diamonds have the look of gorgeous sunsets over the ocean, the pretty lipstick she wore on your first date and the beautiful flowers you surprise her with whenever you get the chance. Pink diamond engagement rings are perfect for modern brides and the girl who prides herself on a feminine wardrobe.